I love you and you know that !
As someone once put it "People need support and I think the people who support at the right time are the world for them."
You have meant the world to me ever since that rough summer happened.
I have done silly things for you, some that you know, and some that you will never know.
I love us for the randomness and craziness we share and how we laugh at the silliest of things together.
You're my anti-calmer :P and the only fellow gemini i can predict ;)
You have made me laugh even in the toughest days of my life.
I love you for that birthday cake at tottos;
for trying to teach me to ride a bike.
I love you for taking me to doc whenever i'm ill.
It is because of you that i made my only trip to 90 degrees.
I wish you all the happiness in the universe.
I cried like a baby when you were going away..
Because you are one of the best things that has ever happened to me.