Tuesday, January 15, 2013

amrita pritam & sahir ludhyanawi

A young Amrita Pritam, madly in love with Sahir, wrote his name hundreds of times on a sheet of paper while addressing a press conference. They would meet without exchanging a word, Sahir would puff away; after Sahir's departure, Amrita would smoke the cigarette butts left behind by him. After his death, Amrita said she hoped the air mixed with the smoke of the butts would travel to the other world and meet Sahir! Such was their obsession and intensity.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

on my knees

if you were to suddenly appear on the road
that i'm walking
right now
i will fall on my knees
weak & shivering 
with a strange mix of pain & pleasure

and if you smile, only god can help me..

Monday, January 7, 2013


oh, what would i not do
to relive our first kiss
and that uncomfortable unfamiliarity
of seeing your face properly
for the first time.
that night of our first snow,
when every flake was a spoken word
and every move, so incorrigibly impetuous.

State of Happiness

late at night, when only broken teenagers
and felines are awake. maybe it's 3
(or 4, or 5)
or right when sunshine slinks through.
somewhere between consciousness and slumber.
i turn, fingertips brushing your skin,
warmth dispersing under my pores.
not fully awake, not quite asleep, i wrap my arm 
around your torso,
my lips placing lazy kisses upon your freckles.
your fingers, from alertness, or habit, grasp onto mine.
and somewhere between the state of consciousness and slumber,
i fall back asleep.

if you are going to ask what my favorite thing is, or
what on this earth makes me the happiest,
i would tell you to read the lines above

Courtesy  - Amber S