I'm sorry when you asked me to say it one last time
I couldn't mutter those three words to you
They were stuck in my throat
Choked back as the tears silently rolled down my cheek
I couldn't stand to know I was really losing you
But I honestly have nothing but love for you
And i still care for you
Even though I really shouldn't
I pretend I'm angry towards you
Because its a whole lot easier
Then admitting I miss you
Deep down in my heart
I really do hope that she loves you half as much as I did
I hope she sees the scars and
Loves you even more
And I hope nothing but the best for you
I just wish I didn't have to be around to see you moved on
When I am not even close
Credits - Kendra Jones, Hellopoetry
(i'd have written this true story myself, but she said it first, & even more beautifully)