Wednesday, April 14, 2010


oh this lovely junior of mine came to my room asking for some words in her glittering shining slambook. As i flipped through the pages, i recalled her name, and i did remember her ! she's the one who smiles all the time . . she had colored sketchpens and i chose red for love :)
as i started writing, she made sweet conversations about my collection of stuffed toys and showed me a pic of her teddy bear on her phone. her brother had come all the way to kgp to gift it to her on her birthday. so i introduced her with pogu, bhondu, doggu and miss flowers.
she made me smile on a hot summer afternoon. god bless her !

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

of lovely poems :)

was looking for some class notes for my grand viva and found this poem that a friend wrote a few years back.

Time I need
to explore myself indeed
failure is the inspiration
seedling of a new creation
lost in the gloomy night
with stars nowhere in sight
Company is what i looked for
Solitude came my way all the more
never have i been so alone
waiting for dawn, my heart weeps on and on ...... .....

the scribbled pages will go in trash someday, the poem here will stay in my memory forever . . .

Friday, April 9, 2010

i'm freaking out !